List of Exhibitors
List of Exhibitors

The participants of the international exhibition of flowers plants machinery and technology for floriculture and landscape design "FlowersExpo-2023"

Company name Stand
Смирнова Т.В., ИП (Russia)
Крэсс,ООО (Russia) | go to the site заочно
Agrocompany Viola (Russia) V109
China Kunming Liu Ba Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd (China) | go to the site B150
Fashion Garden (Kenya / Colombia / Ecuador) | go to the site B200
3Box (Russia) | go to the site M402
ABC Greenhouse (Russia) U351
Absolute Green (Russia) | go to the site P304
Agrinag (Ecuador) | go to the site F302
Agrisovgaz (Russia) | go to the site C250
Agro-Engineering (Russia) G503
Agrobusiness (Russia) | go to the site онлайн
Agrolt Solutions PVT Ltd. (India) | go to the site P441
Agromir BY (Belarus) | go to the site M403
Agrosintez (Russia) | go to the site S252
Agrosnabretail (Russia) | go to the site P451
AILITA, Agrofirm, Ltd (Russia) | go to the site S103
AkatovoArt (Russia) | go to the site P503
Aliot Group (Russia) | go to the site F250
Alma Spray Roses | go to the site F302
Alternativa (Russia) | go to the site N251
AminaTrade Ltd (Russia) | go to the site P151
Anne Flowers (Ecuador) | go to the site B102
Anniroses (Ecuador) | go to the site D450
Antey trade company (Russia) | go to the site L451
APFA (Russia) | go to the site P101
APPM - The Russian Nursery Stock Association (Russia) | go to the site L201
Aristova O.I., IE (Russia) D152
Armavir nursery of decorative culture named after N.S. Plokhova (Russia) | go to the site P200
ASC (Russia) | go to the site D500
Atena Greenhouse (Russia) G251
Aval-O (Russia) | go to the site R701
Avgust (Russia) | go to the site R150
Azalia (Russia) | go to the site R550
BAGO home (Russia) | go to the site N403
BashInkom (Russia) | go to the site S201
Beautiful Houses press, Publishing House (Russia) | go to the site V101
BellaRosa (Ecuador) | go to the site F302
Belluna (Russia) | go to the site A121
Beltopgas (Belarus) | go to the site G501
Berk (Russia) | go to the site B304
Best Flora Truck (Russia) | go to the site C200 – Flower Online Marketplace (Russia) | go to the site F301
Bio Technologiia LLC (Russia) | go to the site D301
BIO-kompleks (Russia) | go to the site R202
Biocontrol (Russia) | go to the site G253
BioMaster (Russia) | go to the site P401
Bionica (Russia) | go to the site N252
Biotechnology (Russia) | go to the site N451
Bluecoin (Belarus) | go to the site B201
BMC (Russia) | go to the site R202
Bouquet (Russia) G251
Boxi_ru (Russia) | go to the site R524
Bryoni (Russia) | go to the site L512
Business Ecuador (Ecuador) D151
BVD "Workshop of packing and design" (Russia) | go to the site T454
Cantiza Floral Group (Ecuador) | go to the site A202
Ceramics from Liholslavl (Russia) | go to the site R703
Chippolino (Russia) | go to the site T053
Choho (China) | go to the site T053
Christmasapple (Russia) | go to the site S451
Click Market (Russia) | go to the site G451
Community of Russian Florists, All-Russian Public Organization (Russia) | go to the site L503
Compas NPO (Russia) | go to the site N150
Concretika (Russia) | go to the site R452
Cvetami Group (Russia) | go to the site А 4/2
CvetKom, TD (Russia) | go to the site
Danziger (Israel) | go to the site C300
Diantus (Russia) | go to the site G251
Dom Semyan Trade Mark, J.S.Co. SSPP "Sortsemovosch" (Russia) | go to the site P153
Donaflor (Russia) | go to the site P443
Dream Design (Russia) | go to the site Р 604/Т 462
Dress.Flowers (Russia) | go to the site V305
Dunamis Ltd (Russia) | go to the site R150
EBF Cargo (Ecuador) | go to the site K401
Ecologica / Tkachenko I.S. (Russia) | go to the site Online
Edana Floralba (Ecuador) | go to the site D202
EffectBio / UltraEffect (Russia) | go to the site S101
Egoryevsky Greenhouse Complex (Russia) | go to the site L150
Ekodachnik (Russia) | go to the site M302
Elfplast (Russia) | go to the site G303
Elite Group (Kenya / Colombia / Ecuador) | go to the site D400
Ellastic-Plast (Russia) | go to the site C400
Europe Uno Trade (Russia) | go to the site V302
Evrosemena (Russia) | go to the site M152
Extrusion (Russia) | go to the site L251
Fabrika gruntov (Russia) | go to the site L400
Farao (Italy) | go to the site M152
Favorite Toy (Mila LLC) (Russia) | go to the site A101
Fertika (Russia) | go to the site R300
FEX BV (Russia) F202
Fibre Family Rus (Russia) | go to the site R502
First Northwest Peat Company (Russia) | go to the site N500
Fitoklon- BioTechnology (Russia) | go to the site P301
Flex Logistics (Russia) | go to the site D302
Flora Expo Astana, exhibition (Kazakhstan) | go to the site K503
Flora Plast (Russia) | go to the site G302
Flora Truck (Russia) | go to the site G200
Floralife Ltd (Russia) | go to the site S103
FloraLogistic (Kazakhstan) F401
FlorAroma (Ecuador) D153
Florexim (Russia) | go to the site
Floribella (Ecuador) | go to the site C351
FloristPack (Russia) | go to the site P504
FLORSTAN (Russia) | go to the site K501
Flortrading (Kazakhstan) L519
Flower Express Logistic (Russia) | go to the site F201
Flower growers of Moscow (Russia) | go to the site A204
Flowers House, Group of companies (Russia) | go to the site В251
Flowers, magazine (Russia) | go to the site R651
Fragile Co Ltd (Russia) | go to the site U102
Fresh Logistics Carga (Ecuador) | go to the site D252
Freshline (Russia) | go to the site F350
Fruti-Komerc DOO (Serbia) | go to the site K301
Galaxy Flowers (Ecuador) | go to the site
Ganzaland Flor (Russia) B301
Garant (Russia) | go to the site V110
Garden center Very Glukhovoy (Russia) | go to the site L202
GardenKlad (Russia) | go to the site P152
Gardenplast (Belarus) | go to the site N653
Gardens of Aurica (Russia) | go to the site K252
Gavrish Nurseries (Russia) | go to the site L101
Gera Group of Companies (Russia) | go to the site S350
GIFT Review (Russia) | go to the site L522
Glavcvettorg (Russia) | go to the site N150
Glazovpack (Russia) | go to the site N651
Glinka, Peat company (Belarus) | go to the site G501
Global Expert (Russia) | go to the site S451
GofroMir (Russia) | go to the site V253
Golden Sotka of Altai (Russia) | go to the site P302
Grafski Nursery (Russia) | go to the site T102
Green Carpet Co Ltd (Russia) | go to the site N103
Green corner (Russia) | go to the site T464
Green Garden Plast (Russia) | go to the site P104
Green Helper Ltd. (Russia) | go to the site L515
Green House (Russia) | go to the site K150
Green Life (Russia) | go to the site R451
Green Nature Firm (Iran) | go to the site G251
Greenhouses of Russia, Association (Russia) Онлайн участие
Greenomica (Russia) | go to the site S202
Grey Goose Wings (Russia) | go to the site R551
Heze Peony Lotus Nursery (China) | go to the site C353
Home of Toys "Maxi Toys", Ltd (Russia) | go to the site T101
HUA FON Factory (Russia) | go to the site M551 - Contests, Demonstrations, Education (Russia) | go to the site V401
Ideal (Russia) | go to the site T500
Idealnyi sad Ltd (Russia) | go to the site Заочно
ILBOSCO (Russia) | go to the site L352
Imperatorskiy Nursery (Russia) | go to the site P050
Impotek Corporation (Russia) | go to the site F402
In the name of the rose (Russia) B400
Incoflores (Ecuador) | go to the site D252
InGreen (Russia) | go to the site M351
Innovations (Russia) | go to the site Е4/2
INSPIRO (Russia) | go to the site L301
Interagro (Russia) | go to the site
Izumrudnaya Milya (Belarus) G352
Jaaz Flowers (Russia) | go to the site G200
Kaluga Flower Holding, Ltd (Russia) | go to the site F100, K100
Kapital-PROK (Russia) | go to the site N402
Karlsbach (Russia) | go to the site P600
Keramika Zolotoe (Russia) | go to the site U302
Kharchenko Roman Vladimirovich, Individual Entrepreneur (Russia) | go to the site M100
KomfortSad (Russia) C452
Kopmozit LLC (Russia) | go to the site R500
Koppert RUS (Russia) | go to the site F302
KraftPaper (Russia) | go to the site L302
Krasivaya gryadka (Russia) | go to the site T300
Lama PRO (Russia) | go to the site N451
Lama Torf (Russia) | go to the site N350
Lapkin (Russia) | go to the site M401
Lavatera (Armenia) | go to the site A152
Liveingreen (Russia) | go to the site P201
Logiztik Alliance Group (Ecuador) | go to the site G252
Lotos Deco (Russia) R602
Lucky Pack (Russia) | go to the site P650
M-plastika (Russia) | go to the site T250
Marcel TD (Russia) | go to the site R102
Matiz Roses (Ecuador) | go to the site C050
Media Group (Russia) | go to the site
Mera (Russia) T351
MinskSortSemOvoshch (Belarus) | go to the site L507
Mir Tsvetov (Russia) | go to the site C150
Miratorg (Russia) | go to the site R302
Mirrey (Russia) | go to the site P550
Miwu Flowers (China) | go to the site M552
Modesto Flowers (Russia) | go to the site F451
Monblan, Nursery (Russia) | go to the site M200
Moskovskiy Agrokombinat (Russia) | go to the site G351
Muchflowers (Ecuador) | go to the site B101
Myata Nursery (Russia) L251
Nakhodka Polesiya (Belarus) | go to the site G452
National Guild of Florist (Russia) | go to the site V401
Natuflor (Ecuador) | go to the site F302
Natura Eterna F302
Natura Eterna (Ecuador) | go to the site F302
Nehad Agronomy Services | go to the site A132
New Village Ltd (Russia) | go to the site
NN Global Truck (Belarus) | go to the site A154
Nord Pulp Ltd (Russia) | go to the site M500, L400
NOV-AGRO, TPK (Russia) | go to the site N501
Nova Agro Ltd (Russia) | go to the site A251
Nursery and Private Garden, Magazine (Russia) | go to the site L101
Nursery Saltykovo (Russia) W050/X100
NWF (Russia) | go to the site A134
Olipack (Russia) | go to the site V103
OMG GIFT (Russia) | go to the site N600
Orchidelia (Russia) | go to the site C351
Organic + (Russia) | go to the site T054
Organic Mix, Ltd (Russia) | go to the site N300, W301
Orgavit (Russia) | go to the site S301
Orton (Russia) | go to the site Т301
Ozelenenie (Russia) | go to the site F151
Parnassius Studio (Russia) | go to the site R521
Pelgorskoe-M Peat Enterprise (Russia) | go to the site N502
Perfect Agriculture (Russia) | go to the site онлайн
Permagrobusiness Ltd (Russia) | go to the site N401
Pindsrup (Russia) | go to the site M500
Pitomniki-Shop (Russia) | go to the site T350
Plantiс (Russia) | go to the site R501
Plantmarket Cash&Carry (Russia) | go to the site P061
Poisk Agrofirm (Russia) | go to the site M250
Policvet (Russia) A133
Polygran (Russia) | go to the site L102
Polytechnica TPK (Russia) | go to the site V252
POSiFLORA (Russia) | go to the site K202
Premier Flowers (Russia) | go to the site D100
Premium Grass (Russia) | go to the site L516
PresentUpack (Russia) | go to the site S253
Prestige (Russia) | go to the site U200
Prime Flowers (Colombia) | go to the site G502
Profit (Belarus) | go to the site P062
Pyganflor | go to the site F302
Qualisa (Ecuador) | go to the site F302
Rassada tochka ru (Russia) | go to the site F152
Rassadniy Service (Russia) | go to the site V102
Rassadnoe Nursery (Russia) S104
Real Touch (Russia) | go to the site T501
Reflux (Russia) | go to the site K201
Rezinotech (Russia) | go to the site S453
Rodemos, Scientific-Production Center (Russia) | go to the site R201
ROSTI (Russia) | go to the site R401
Rostok Green, Agrofirm (Russia) | go to the site U152
Royal Flowers (USA) | go to the site B250
Rusinkhim (Russia) | go to the site P350
Russian Peat Company (Russia) | go to the site S251
Saftec Logistics (Ecuador) | go to the site A142
Santino (Russia) | go to the site K251
Schelkovo Agrokhim (Russia) | go to the site T200
SeDeK Agricultural company (Russia) | go to the site N200
SelHozTrest (Russia) | go to the site T251
Shahcoal (Russia) | go to the site P502
Shanghai Victoria Home Decor (China) P504
Shar NPF (Russia) | go to the site N051
Shokoladnaya studiay (Russia) | go to the site C451
Sidashenko Vitaliy Vladimirovich, Individual Entrepreneur (Russia) A120
SIDTECH (Russia) | go to the site N150
Sima-Land (Russia) | go to the site T450
SmartGreenTech (Russia) | go to the site M353
Solid Line (Russia) | go to the site S501
Star Roses (Ecuador) | go to the site G150
STK (Russia) | go to the site U101
Strada Ltd (Russia) | go to the site R301
Strogoorganic (Russia) | go to the site T303
Studio-Dekor (Russia) | go to the site N102
Support for flowers (Russia) | go to the site G452
SVA FLORA (Russia) A100
Syngenta (Russia) | go to the site В4/2
Taliflor Ltd (Russia) | go to the site Онлайн
Techplast (Russia) | go to the site P202
TERRAFLOR (Russia) E3/1
Tessa Corp (Ecuador) | go to the site C100
Tochka Opory (Russia) | go to the site M600
Topaz Ltd (Russia) | go to the site M404
Tsvetochnye kultury (Russia) | go to the site D303
Tsvetovodstvo, Floricultural magazine (Russia) | go to the site D100
Tulpanovo (Russia) T253
Turshovka (Belarus) | go to the site G501
Tver packaging plant (Russia) | go to the site B352
Tzvetushie Fantazii (Russia) | go to the site M151
Unaky Soft Toys (Russia) | go to the site V106
United Flower Company (Russia) | go to the site D350
UPack (China) V252
Ural INVEST TD (Russia) | go to the site T402
Uspeh Plant nursery (Russia) | go to the site S102
Valeria, TPP (Russia) | go to the site A151
Vash Sad (Russia) | go to the site V109
Veles Trading House (Russia) | go to the site N550
Venev Nursery (Russia) R150
Venev Zavod (Russia) | go to the site R150
Verhovoe, Pitomnik (Russia) | go to the site N150
VIPECO (Russia) | go to the site N452
Vipset (Russia) S151
VISTA (Russia) | go to the site S502
Vista (Belarus) | go to the site T453
Vita Ava (Russia) | go to the site V301
Vitebskoblgas (Belarus) G501
Vitrina rosta (Russia) | go to the site R101
Viva Lavanda, Farm (Russia) | go to the site N052
Vopolebereza (Russia) U152
Wealth of Health (Russia) | go to the site R204
Yorkey (Japan) | go to the site V104
Zelenaya Apteka Sadovoda (Russia) | go to the site P303
Zěma (Russia) | go to the site M301
Zhar-Tsvet (Russia) D302
Zion Rus (Russia) | go to the site P250/E221
Есоtorg (Russia) | go to the site L701
Сильва (Russia) S153